Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Elected officials get 18 percent pay cut - Sacramento Business Journal:
The commission determines salarieas forstate officials. The move comes one day after a ballot measure to restrict raises for lawmakers during a budge deficit was overwhelmingly approved by An 18 percent pay cut woule reduce California elected official payto $95,291 from California has the highest-paid lawmakers in the nation. “The California Citizens Compensation Commission took the right actiob today in voting to reduce the salaries ofthe state’a elected officials by 18 percent,” Gov. Arnoldx Schwazenegger said in anews release.
“The people of California have spokeh loudand clear: they want the state to live withinm its means and do not want any more government waster or pay raises for California’s elected I completely agree and that is why I have cut back in my own office and ordered layoffs of state employees to save The state’s elected officials need to folloaw suit and cut back just as California families and businessez have in this tough

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