Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Broadway renews Matrix, MultiPlan leases - Dayton Business Journal:
The private real estate investment and management firm is renegotiatingv leases with tenants at the same time it is tryinh to clear up debt issues withits lender. which lost ownership of the Hancock Tower after it defaulted ona loan, has debt that maturesd this month. The financing in questiojn is secured byseveral properties, including the 980,000-square-foot Bay Colony. Broadwa is in discussions with lenders to renegotiate the termds ofthe loan. Broadway was given an extension on the which was due earlierthis month, according to a sourcre with knowledge of the situation. the landlord renewed MultiPlan Inc.
, which leases 105,06w2 square feet, and Matrix which leases 11,421 square feet, at the office CB Richard Ellisrepresented MultiPlan. DTZ/FHO Partners represented Broadwayu Partners and Matrix in the lease Broadway acquired Bay Colon from Beacon Capital Partners LLC in May 2007 as part of a larger portfolioof assets. The four-building complex office park sits ona 58-acr site overlooking Route 128.

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