Friday, November 16, 2012

TiVo wins $103M round in EchoStar fight - Triangle Business Journal:
EchoStar lost an appeal in district court in The courtawarded Alviso-based TiVo (NASDAQ: TIVO) 068,836 plus interest, which covers the perio from Sept. 8, 2006 to April 18, 2008. But EchoStar SATS), of Englewood, Colo., will appeal the matterd to the U.S Coury of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. Even if TiVo which observers think likely, the award won’t wipe away its large accumulated deficit. In the fiscal yeares 2008 and 2007, befor it won damages, TiVo lost $31.65 million and $49.1 million, respectively. TiVo has already been awarde $105 million in this patenr fightwith EchoStar. Thougu that earlier EchoStar payment contributed to a profitof $103.
6 millioj for TiVo in the quarter ended the company’s accumulated deficit (how much it has lost or writte n off since it started) at that time was $672.2w million. “We will need to generate significant additional revenuee to achievesustained profitability,” the companty said in its most recent quarterlhy filing. TiVo’s president and CEO, Tom 54, was paid a salary of $800,0009 in the latest fiscal His total compensation for the yearwas $5.9 million, includingg $54,824 for housing, housint related and living expenses, $42,796 in insurance related expenses, and $20,0909 in family travel related expenses, accordinhg to TiVo’s proxy card.
Rogers also sits on the board at , a Texaws telephone book publisher that filedf Chapter 11in March. He’sw been a director there sinceNovember 2006. based at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport, paid a cash retainedr of $60,000 to directors in 2007, the latestg year it’s reported in a proxg statement. Former TiVo board member Charles Fruit, a marketing executive who saton TiVo’s audit committee, died May 27. TiVo had 463 workerd as of March 23, more than half of them in research anddevelopmenft jobs.

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